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Vote Peter Vazquez for Monroe County Clerk

Thank you, Merl and Evan Snow, for your endorsement!

Election Day is almost here!

As your Monroe County Clerk candidate, I am committed to a Monroe County Clerks' office that works for you—prioritizing service, community, efficiency, and stewardship through responsible leadership.

Today, November 3rd, is the last day for early voting, and Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th.

This election is about more than a candidate; it is about a vision for a stronger, more accountable Monroe County Clerks' office.

I am dedicated to restoring trust, defending rights, and fostering a more inclusive, supportive community for all.

With over 30 years of experience in public and not-for-profit sectors, I bring a commitment to transparency, customer service, and fair treatment for every resident.

From efficient DMV services to secure records, I am prepared to lead with integrity and a focus on real solutions like the Monroe County Clerks’ office on Wheels.

Your vote matters—let’s make Monroe County stronger together!

#TeamVazquez | #PuttingPeopleFirst | #BecauseICare | #NextSteps | #CountyClerkVision