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Vote Peter Vazquez for Monroe County Clerk

Voting is underway, and this election is about more than just a candidate—it is about a vision for a stronger, more accountable Monroe County Clerk’s office.

Early voting is open now through November 3rd, with Election Day on November 5th.

For Peter Vazquez, running for Monroe County Clerk means making a real difference. Peter is committed to restoring trust, defending rights, promoting inclusivity, and improving the quality of life for all Monroe County residents.

With a focus on transparency, exceptional customer service, community support, and fair treatment, Peter is ready to lead the Clerk’s office into a new era of integrity and accountability.

Your vote counts. Make your voice heard for a brighter Monroe County!

#TeamVazquez | #PuttingPeopleFirst | #BecauseICare | #NextSteps | #CountyClerkVision