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Vote Peter Vazquez for Monroe County Clerk

I am honored to have received the endorsement of Pittsford Town Supervisor Bill Smith in my campaign for Monroe County Clerk. My vision is clear: to help Monroe County thrive through opportunity, unity, and growth.

As your candidate for Monroe County Clerk, I am committed to making county services more accessible with initiatives like the Monroe County Clerk’s Office on Wheels, bringing essential services directly to our neighborhoods.

I will also establish an Entrepreneurs' Hub, providing the tools and mentorship to support local businesses, and work to protect homeownership by preventing foreclosures and strengthening our communities.

I respectfully ask for your vote on November 5th to help turn this vision into reality. Together, we can build a stronger Monroe County!

#TeamVazquez | #PuttingPeopleFirst | #BecauseICare | #NextSteps | #CountyClerkVision