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Vote Peter Vazquez for Monroe County Clerk

Check out #TeamVazquez in action!

From day one of this campaign season, #TeamVazquez has been hitting the ground running, going door to door and working tirelessly to bring our message to the people.

Like the Army cadence says, we’ve been “working hard, working long” and showing that same grit and determination it takes to get the job done. Rain or shine, you all have brought that same spirit to this campaign!

A huge thank you to each and every one of you for your hard work, for standing beside me, and for trusting me to be your next Monroe County Clerk. We’ve marched through this campaign with honor, and we’re not done yet!

Let’s keep up the momentum, #TeamVazquez!

#TeamVazquez | #PuttingPeopleFirst | #BecauseICare | #NextSteps | #CountyClerkVision