Welcome to our new website!

Thank you for Voting!

Thank you, Monroe County, for your incredible support and for standing with us on this journey.

Though we did not achieve the outcome we hoped for, I am filled with gratitude for every person who believed in our vision and showed up to make their voices heard.

Your encouragement, your energy, and your belief in a brighter future for our community have been truly inspiring.

Let us keep the momentum alive and continue working together to make Monroe County a place where everyone feels empowered and valued.

A sincere congratulations to all those who won their elections in Monroe County and throughout this nation.

God bless each of you, God bless this great State of NY, and God bless the United States of America.

#TeamVazquez | #PuttingPeopleFirst | #BecauseICare | #NextSteps | #CountyClerkVision