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Next Steps Show /w Jennifer Williams


This week, our conversation includes Jennifer Williams, a Momma Bear not just protecting her own, but leading and teaching other parents how to stand against a gov that wants to reduce parents to mere babysitters. She is the founder of Moms for Liberty Wayne County.

Mrs. Williams was born and raised in the Utica area in Central NY. After graduation, she enlisted in the Air Force. Since then, she has lived all over the country, is married, and has four children. Two are adults and two are teenagers in high school.

Jennifer explains that during the lockdowns, She started to realize some concerning issues with the assignments her children were working on; she learned much of what was happening in government schools and wanted to do more. After making many attempts to discuss her concerns with school officials, she knew she couldn’t effectuate change alone. Learning about Moms for Liberty and what they stood for, she launched the Moms for Liberty Wayne County chapter.

Since July 2021, she has focused on learning education law, open meeting law, and how to use FOILs in her effort to effectively advocate for parental rights in education, as well as all levels of government.

Moms for Liberty stands for parental rights at all levels of government. We are joyful warriors holding elected officials and administrators accountable. We are fighting for liberty to preserve America https://www.momsforliberty.org/chapters/wayne-county-ny/

Listen in to learn what Next Steps one person has taken for the betterment of others.

Should government infringe on parental rights or limit a parents’ ability to parent? What if the gov disagrees with your parenting style? Share your thoughts. Leave a comment or send us an email.


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