Author, Lawyer, Pastor, Commentator
Pastor Marc Little is an ordained pastor and serves over No Longer Bound Abortion & Miscarriage Recovery Ministry, based in Los Angeles, California. No Longer Bounds provides a safe place for spiritual healing through Jesus Christ to women and men who have been emotionally wounded by abortion and/or miscarriage.
Pastor Marc is the chairman of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) and is the executive director of its (c)(4) companion CURE America Action.
Pastor Marc has been an independent director for more than 30 years, founded charters schools, and has advised senior pastors and ministries across the nation for more than 25 years relating to governance, church planting, and various aspects of the law’s application to ministry. He is a licensed attorney in California, a published author and a political commentator.
Pastor Marc resides in Dallas, TX.