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Jacob Marchitell

Jacob Marchitell Profile Photo


My name is Jacob Marchitell (Mark - a - tell) and I am the Pastor of Christ Community Church in Clyde, NY. I am a lifelong member of not only the Church, but also of the town.

I could very easily mirror the word of the Apostle Paul in Romans 7:24 &25 when he cries out that he is a wretched man, able only to be saved by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I have a past as dark as the next man, and am made righteous in the eyes of the God I have sinned against by no effort or choice of my own, but only by Christ calling me to come forth from the grave of my former life. And it was a former life I am ashamed of. Arrests, Divorce, and other sins of which my King died for.

With a heart set on nothing apart from seeing the name of Jesus Christ lifted high for all to see, I have made a point to go into those places that Christians ought to be going in to. "All ages" Drag Queen shows, Concentration Camps disguised as Reproductive Rights Clinics, Government School Board Meetings where the Administration intentionally grooms children to be more and more accepting of sexual debauchery, Public Squares where those wandering the streets of a World that cares not for them are gathered, and everywhere else the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be proclaimed.

I've been threatened more times that I could count. Had a baseball bat pulled on me and the other faithful jars of clay who were interceding for the unborn outside the Plantation in Buffalo. I've had the Police called on me numerous times, especially at Auschwitz in Ithaca. My house has been vandalized, my Church has been vandalized and my family has had death threats against them.

If anything in our beautiful Country is going to change, it is only by the public proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the areas of our culture where someone like me would have likely been found before Christ rescued me.